"Green Spectra" is a 16 storied commercial cum residential complex at Nasirabad, Chittagong. With high-quality flooring and modern fixtures, this project holds the highest standard. As you would expect from a development of this caliber, security is taken very seriously, with all apartment’s high-security locks and mains' smoke and heat detectors for extra piece of mind.
348, CDA Avenue, Nasirabad Housing Society, Chittagong.
Call us: +8801844527808
Size: 84-1745 sft.
Size: 801 - 8151 sft.
Size: 1004-4403 sft.
Size: 723-3950 sft.
"Whether you’re exploring historical area, enjoying nature, experiencing local culture, or delicious cuisine. Plan your visit today and discover the wonders of this amazing area!"